Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Admissions Tips from the Experts

Two admissions directors recently appeared on television to provide information regarding the college admissions process. Click on the link below to see what they had to say on The Today Show.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Information for the Potential College Athlete

This article discusses important information regarding the life of a college athlete. If you think you are interested in pursuing athletic team participation in college, be sure to read this article.


College Visits for Juniors

This article discusses the importance and value of visiting colleges. Read it over and pick up some tips that might help make your visit more meaningful.


Myths and College Admissions

Issues related to college admissions and scholarships are discussed in the following article. See if you agree with the author's answers.


The Economy May Influence Financial Aid

The following article discusss how the credit crunch in the economy may limit the amount of financial aid that students and their parents may be able to acquire.

More information is available at http://www.usatoday.com/money/perfi/college/2008-04-06-student-loans-credit-crunch_N.htm