Monday, June 16, 2008


You are now about to move from junior year to senior year. Now is the time that you need to begin to compile information about yourself. You are about to market something very important to the colleges of your choice--YOU!!


Summer is the prime time to spend searching for and applying for scholarships. Once school starts up in the fall, spare time is sometimes hard to find. Use the summer before your senior year to your financial advantage.


The list continues to grow of the colleges that are becoming SAT/ACT optional. It's worth investing time in researching those institutions that no longer requre the test. If you do not test well, there are now more options for you. Take advantage of it!

Gap Year Options

Gap Year is something that many students should consider before moving on to their undergraduate studies. Giving oneself some time to grow and mature intellectually and socially is often worth it. There are greater chances of success in college when one has accomplished a successful Gap Year.

Creative Financial Aid

With the state of the economy, financial aid availability has also been affected. Students are now looking to resources for financial assistance that they may not have considered before.

Women's Colleges

I love women's colleges. They offer so much in the way of education, contacts for life, and avenues to career success. Yet, getting a young lady to look at or even consider a women's institution is a hard sell.

This article discusses what is happening with the popularity of women's colleges in the world versus the United States.,0,3828109.story

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

College Visit List

This link contains many of the essential factors that should be considered when visiting and scoping out those colleges that might be on your list of top picks.


The Launching Years is reviewed in this article. There is also an extensive list of other publications that might be helpful to students and/or parents.

Happy Reading!

Gap Year as an Option

Not everyone is ready to move on to college upon high school graduation. Gap year is becoming something that is done more frequently in the United States. The following link discusses more about this option.

The Decline in Required Tests

The list continues to grow for the colleges that are becoming SAT optional. Wake Forest recently added its name to the list. Read on.

Plan College Visits

In order to make the most of a college visit, be certain that you plan for it in advance. Read this link to find our some of the things that should be done.

College Visits

Do college visits really matter. This article poses some reasons to pursue the sometimes expensive, time-consuming activity.

Letters of Recommendation

Do you think a letter of recommendation can tip the scale in favor of a college admission decision? Read the following article and see if you agree.

Articles by Dr. S. J. Trachtenberg

Here are links to three articles written by the former president of George Washington University.

NPR News College Stories

NPR News has several stories that you can listen to on the subjec of college admissions. One of the stories discusses how difficult it is to gain admission to an Ivy League college.

Does the Name of the College Guarantee Success?

Why do you make more money and become more successful if you attend Harvard? Read the linked article to find out.

Negotiating the Cost of College

This article discusses ways to negotiate with a college regarding the cost of attending. Do you really have to pay the full cost?