Saturday, January 31, 2009

College Fairs

In order to get the most out of attending a college fair there is some pre-planning that you should do. Read the following to get started--

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Best Value Colleges 2009

Watch this video clip to get an idea of what amazing opportunities are out there for some wondeful colleges. The Princeton Review and USA Today have partnered to present this information.

Athletes Are They Equals?

The following link discusses the large gap in academic abilities between athletes and others in the student bodies. At what point are these athletes able to attain academic success and not be exploited only for their physical abilities?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Athletic Scholarships

Here are several articles that lay it on the line regarding athletic scholarships. Those hours of practice, sweat, and sacrifice may not yield what you think!

Part II

Scholarship Search

This article reinforces one of my primary themes. If you want scholarship money--START EARLY!!!

Admissions Questions with the Gatekeepers

The following link is an article that contains questions submitted to four admissions officers of various colleges. There are a varied list of topics covered. This is definitely worth looking at--

Scholarship Money for Community Service

Colleges are now beginning to recognize and reward students who perform community service. Scholarships are becoming available to reward those who have volunteered their time to make a difference in their communities.

The Bonner Scholars Program is already in place in a number of colleges. This is also based on community service.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Now is the time of year to become familiar with the FAFSA. Remember the early bird gets the worm. Do not delay in completing this very important form.


Is an interview part of your college application? If so, read this article to pick up tips for a successful interview.

Your Application

This article tells you what NOT to do when completing your college applications. See if you can pick up some useful pointers.

Earning Potential of A College Degree

Do you ever wonder if the college that you attend will have any bearing on what your potential earnings will be? The following link is a summary comparison of the various types of schools and what bearing they play upon potential lifetime earnings.