Friday, February 20, 2009

The New College Visit

Technology now makes available a way to begin the college visit process without ever leaving the comfort of home. Keep in mind that the ultimate choices should be made with a visit. Nothing replaces a visit to take in the sights, smells, and surroundings of a campus.

Early Decision

Do teenagers really have the mental ability and sophistication to make such huge decisions about their choice of colleges? This article questions the viability of early decision choices for college. Are students able to make the best selection?

Score Choice and the SAT

Score Choice--what is it? Read this article to see if this will really be a helpful tool for you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Financial Aid Awards

So you're lucky enough to receive financial aid packages. Do you know how to analyze and compare your options? This article will help you in this difficult procedure.

Financial Aid Resources

Financial aid is a topic with a landscape that constantly changes. This article points you to free resources that will help you get a current perspective of financial aid.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Gap Year

Think that you need a breather before tackling the big world of college. Read this article to get some insight into a gap year experience.

Juniors and Extracurriculars

Now is the time for juniors to begin to plan what to do with their summer. Make good use of extra time to plan extracurricular activities to enhance your college application.

Waiting Time

Here is another article with a list of things seniors can do with their down time while they wait to get replies to their applications.

Use Your Time Wisely

This article is for seniors who are waiting to hear about their college applications.

Safety School

With the continuing economic crisis, applying to a state school as your safety school may not be the comfort zone that it once was. More students are applying to state schools. This results in more competition for the spots at the state schools. Also, keep in mind that many states are cutting the budgets for higher education institutions. Thus, the squeeze gets even tighter.