Monday, April 27, 2009


Need some ideas on what to do to make the most of what is left of your junior year of high school?

College Visits

I have posted a number of articles regarding college visits. This link gives some more pointers on what to do in order to get the maximum results from a college visit.

Personality Contest

Colleges, just like people have personalities. When searching for a college, a good match is very important.

Highly Selective Colleges

Admission to highly selective colleges is something that needs to be planned and plotted with care and lots of planning.,0,571587.story

Financial Aid Tips

This article provides some important information regarding those who are seeking financial aid for college

Monday, April 13, 2009


What is it college admissions want most to see in a candidate? Just be yourself!

Basic Information

If you think that you know everything about college, read this article. Check out just how accurate your ideas are in relation to the information provided.

The List of Accepting Do's and Don'ts

This article gives you the ten things that need to be done in order to handle your admission to college correctly.

Accepting that Offer

So you got the fat envelopes, now what do you do?

The Wait List

Read this article to gather some information on another viewpoint of how to deal with the waitlist dilemma.

College Visits

Can you really gain anything from a college visit? Can't you pretty much gather all of your informaton off of the internet? Can you eat and enjoy food without enjoying the smells?

Value in a State College

Looking for the best education that your state colleges will provide. Consider applying to the public honors college in your state. For those who have attained their admission standards, serious consideration should be given to applying to this school.

Elective Courses

What types of elective courses should you consider? What are colleges looking for?

College Interviews

This article will give you the whys and hows of interviewing for college. Not all colleges require interviews. If one is recommended or required, you want to do a good job.

Junior Hints

Demonstrated interest is something that will be noticed by college admissions officers. How do you do that?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Junior Year and the College Search

Juniors--now is the time to begin your college search. This article will give you some guidelines to follow:

The Wait List

Are you on that dreaded wait list? What should you do? What should you expect?

Community College

Attending communty college can save money in the overall cost of college. This Wall Street Journal article explains some of the positive aspects of attending community college first.

In order to read the entire article, you will need to register.

Radio Advce

Here is another avenue to gather college information:

Countdown to College Radio is a weekly one-hour show dedicated to helping college-bound high school students and their families understand the process of getting ready for--and getting into--college. Show host Beth Pickett interviews experts on the college application process, high school coursework, summer opportunities, extracurricular activities, application essays, standardized testing, financial aid, and college options, with the occasional foray into how to maintain a healthy and positive attitude throughout what can be a very stressful process.

The link is: