Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Test Optional Schools

This article will give you a perspective on what schools are test optional. Test scores are still used for financial aid purposes even if a school is test optional.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

South Carolina Private College Tour-- June 2009

Photos of the ten private colleges and universities that I recently visited on the SCICU tour in South Carolina.

Following are brief descriptions for each school:

COLUMBIA COLLEGE located in Columbia is a women's college located in a city-type setting. It is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. They stress women and leadership. The President of this institution is very dynamic. The latest in technology is abundant on this campus. Courage, Commitment, Confidence and Competence is their motto.

BENEDICT COLLEGE located in Columbis is a HBCU (Historically Black College/University). It is affiliated with the Baptist Church. They are nationally accredited in environmental/health sciences, social work, and recreation/leisure services. They have housing for students with children.

CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY located in Orangeburg is a HBCU. They are affiliated with the Methodist Church. This institution was started in 1869 with the help of the Governor of Massachusetts. They have the program Call Me Mr. for black males who are interested in teaching elementary school. They are nationally accredited in Chemistry. Their motto is Claflin Confidence.
CHARLESTON SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY located in the Charleston suburbs is affiliated with the Baptist Church. Religious activities are emphasized with all aspects of campus life. They are offering a new graphic design program.
VOORHEES COLLEGE is located in Denmark. It is a HBCU affiliated with the Episcopal Church. They partner with and have a student exchange with Brazil. Their accredited Business program is their most popular major. Their motto is We Are Voorhees A Community of Scholars. Projects additions for the campus include a new science building, student activity center, and a fine arts center.
PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE is located in Clinton. This college offers many study-abroad opportunities. Fifty percent of the student body are members of Greek organizations. There is an Historic Honor Code on this campus. They are moving up to Division I in athletics. Most interesting is their Confucius Chinese Scholars Institute.
ERSKINE COLLEGE is located in Due West. This is a lovely, spacious campus set in a very rural setting. They have Literary Societies instead of fraternities and soroities. There are a wide variety of scholarships offered by this college. The most popular majors are biology, education, andd business.
SOUTHERN WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY is located in Central. Students have the flexibility of taking some courses at Clemson University. Fifty percent of the students are commuters. They have a new chapel/arts center. Their motto is Faith, Scholarship, Build Character, Stewardship.
NORTH GREENVILLE UNIVERSITY is located in Tigerville and is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Church. They have a strong music and performing arts program. It is an all Steinway institution. They are constructing new buildings to create a village-type setting for the campus.
FURMAN UNIVERSITY is located in Greenville. It is one of the loveliest campuses that I have visited. They are emphsizing a green campus with the renovation and expansion of their science facility. Beautiful lakes, fountains, and gardens abound on this campus. Their Career Center offers lifetime assistance to their graduates.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Recent Program Grads

Congratulations to Mitchell and Crystal! They recently completed the College Planning Seminar Series. After attending six sessions these two high school juniors gained valuable knowledge and experience in planning their college application process.

If you know someone who is interested in participating in these planning sessions, contact us to arrange a seminar series.
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Essay Advice

This article contains tips for creating a good admissions essay. The article was written by an individual who is in college admissions.
