Tuesday, September 22, 2009

College Location

This article discusses the importance of considering the surrounding area as well as the college itself. There are many factors that can make your school choice the best one for you.


1 comment:

Lauren Jordan said...

I knew one thing that I needed when I was applying for college and that was a great location. Thankfully, I already lived in one, so I got to go to college locally (or within an hour away). I am now working at a Web Design Company and I think part of the reason why I got a job right away was because of my location. I am in a great city to find a job, and I was also taught by professionals in the city. That's another thing to think about. When applying, look into how professors are. Are they currently up-to-date in their field? Are they still working in their field? If not, I wouldn't want to be taught by them.