Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day Six -- Flagler College

Flagler College earns the crown jewel of colleges for the tour at this point. Situated in America's oldest city, Saint Augustine, it has breathtaking interiors in its historic buildings. Tiffany windows and a Harry Potter-type dining facility are some of the wonderful historical elements found on this campus.

This is a good fit for your middle-of-the-road student, not only academically, but socially. If you are a history buff, this place would be paradise. Also it is only 5 minutes from the beach.

Flagler is one of the few campuses that I have visited recently with no coed dorms. It is also a dry campus. If you are looking for the party scene, this may not be the place for you.

Some strong and unique majors: Business, communications, education, deaf education. This is not for science or math majors.

The best part of this the price tag--$22,500! WOW!

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